Financial Links
We have compile a list of financial and statutory resources to assist you in your pursuit of financial information, assurance and guidance.
Bank Negara Malaysia & Other Governing Bodies
- AML CFT TFS PD Dec 2019 (PDF)
- Anti Money Laundering and Act 2001 (PDF)
- Digital Currency Guidelines 2018 (PDF)
- Employees Provident Fund Act 272 (PDF)
- FAs Lincensing Guidelines (PDF)
- Financial Services Act 758 2013 (PDF)
- Foreign Exchange Notices Consolidated 2020 (PDF)
- Law and Policy
- Consumer Information
- News and Publication
- Rates and Statistics
- Loans Repayment Assistance
Wealth Preservation
- Insurance Act 553 (PDF)
- Malaysian Medical Asso Guidelines (PDF)
- Law and Policy
- Medical and Health Insurance
- Labuan Offshore Insurance Guidelines
- Perbadanan Insurance Deposit Malaysia Guidelines
- Life Insurance Association of Malaysia Guidelines
- Statistics on Performance of Investment Linked Funds
- Persatuan Insurance AM Malysia Products and Guidelines
Income Tax
- Income Tax Act 53 (PDF)
- PR 05 - Computation of Total and Chargeable Income 2018 (PDF)
- PR 05 - 2 Perquisites from Employment 2019 (PDF)
- PR 06 - Tax Treatment on Renewals of Assets 2019 (PDF)
- PR 10 - Withholding Tax on Special Classes of Income 2019 (PDF)
- PR 11 - Benefits in Kind 2019 (PDF)
- Income Tax Board Guidelines
- Income Tax Act
Wealth Succession
- Distribution Act 300 (PDF)
- Guardianship of Infants Act 351 (PDF)
- Probate & Administration 1959 (PDF)
- Probate & Administration Act 97 1959 (Revised 1972) (PDF)
- Probate & Administration Act 97 1959 (PDF)
- Probate & Administration Act a summary (PDF)
- Registration of Adoptions Act 253 (PDF)
- Small Estates Act 98 (PDF)
- Wills Act 1959 (Revised 1988) (PDF)
* SKIW is not responsible for updates of the information contained within the site. Please contact them directly for further information.